Hunters = Habitat = Wildlife

My interest is in preserving the wild places in this country and creating opportunities for future generations of sportsmen. The trend of urbanization and indoor activities is frightening in many ways, not the least of which is the disconnect between human wellbeing and our natural world. Unlike my parent’s generation, many people do not realize that food doesn’t come from a grocery store, it comes from a farm or ranch.  Bugs and weeds are not inherently undesirable, they are the foundation of wildlife. A groomed golf course, corporate campus and a weedless, edgeless farm are attractive but, have virtually no benefit for wildlife. There are proven methods for successfully balancing both.

In addition to urbanization, the other threat to wildlife is the well-intended but misplaced compassion for animals. Hunters and Fishermen are not the enemy of wildlife. The North American conservation model is a proven success. Responsible hunting and fishing are critical allies to all wildlife conservation. The songbird, fox, hawk and frog all benefit from the habitat made possible by hunters. No other group has as much of an interest and investment in the preservation of wildlife as sportsmen group does.

If there is one thing I could communicate, it is a basic formula: Hunters = Habitat = Wildlife. If you see a farm, ranch or forest with ideal wildlife habitat, you can bet that either a sportsman owns it, or a sportsman leases it. A quote from Theodore Roosevelt sums it up well. “In a civilized and cultivated country, wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen.”